This meditation guide will provide you with some basic knowledge and tools to begin practicing meditation. Click on the links below to begin discovering the profound difference this practice can make in your life:
What is Meditation?
Meditation Benefits: The Path of Awakening
The Five Types of Meditation Techniques
Guidelines for Developing a Meditation Practice
Meditation for Beginners: Five Steps for a Daily Practice
Stress and Meditation: Developing the Mind
Relaxation Techniques and Meditation: The Crucial Connection
Meditation for Pain Relief
As you explore this meditation guide, remember that meditation practice is undertaken with a threefold goal.
The first is to discover and transform the limiting habits of mind that block our full potential.
The second is to actively cultivate and bring more fully alive our potential for wisdom, creative intelligence, calm intensity, loving-kindness, and compassion.
Third, when really taken to heart, we practice with the motivation not only to free ourselves from limitations and to awaken to our own true nature and potential, but in order to be more effective in helpings others realize their full potential as well.
After all, how much satisfaction will we find if we are free from our problems yet everyone else around us is still suffering? We work on ourselves because we understand that it will make us a better parent, a better friend, a more sensitive and creative human being contributing to our community. Our inner work is an offering to the world. What greater offering can we make?
As you make your way through this meditation guide, we urge you to consider this threefold goal of meditation and apply it to your own practice and life.
[Adapted from the book "Luminous Mind" by Joel & Michelle Levey]
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